Energetic vibrancy creates a fluency in life from which all else comes into creation. Understanding your true Self - your energetic imprint and vibration, allows you to understand when your energy is off, therefore in the impact of something or someone else.
In today’s world, this is occuring constantly, making maintaining our own energy a crucial daily practice.
You are you own healer and during our time together, you will unlock the key to your clear energy and gain alignment. We’ll unearth stagnacy, creating space for connection, creativity and vibrant energy to access a higher frequency of living. A place from which your authentic Self shines, your intuition vibrates and your inner knowing is your one and only guide.
There is such a quickening everywhere.
Faster internet, quick news cycle, expedited information streams - real time & dimensional timelines are moving so fast.
The energetics can be all encompassing, creating overwhelm, leading our system to flee, freeze or fight. I mean, you know the drill and how your own body reacts.
What if I told you that moving through those energetics, however they occur for you is simple & quick.
Shifting the energetics can be as quick as the energy that attempts to overtake.
Join me March 3rd during the 3 | 3 Portal
7pm CET | 2:30pm NT | 1pm ET | 10am PT for a Masterclass in Navigate Impacting Energetics.
This masterclass is completely free & will teach you effective techniques using your breath & essential oils to move through negative frequencies that create blocks in your life.
I'm hosting this class on the 3 | 3 Portal as the energetics at this time tend to surge. This intensity occurs differently for everyone, however a sense of deeper spiritual connection is common. There may be increased intuition, greater clarity creating a new path of manifestation.
Practically, given the increased sensitivity, this is a great time to take stock of our 2025 intentions.
Do they remain aligned?
If aligned, are you feeling stuck?
Or perhaps you're created goals for the year influenced by others so it's time to evaluate and course-correct.
Maybe fear is in the way.
This class will support us in connecting with our true Self to gain clarity on our goals and aspirations.
This masterclass is for you if you're new to the energetic brilliance of essential oils.
This masterclass is also for anyone who has essential oils and needs to connect back into the energetic magic the oils provide.
Maintain clear energy this year to elevate your frequency and manifest your vision.
This series is designed to ensure you are clear of energetic compromise consistently throughout the year. During these custom quarterly sessions we'll strategically delve into the energy impacting you on all levels. Through varied techniques each session, we'll clear the energetics to leave you feeling more powerful and fully in your own energy.
This series is ideal for anyone with a specific vision for your year. It’s ideal to keep you free of outside influence, creating momentum & consistency toward achieving your goals, learning energetic awareness & reaching your full potential!
Investment: $1444 CDN
(This is a limited time offer that provides a 20% discount on session investment)