Creating daily practices and specific protocols with your Oils is what will continue to elevate your life, health, families and communities. Resources + replays of sessions held to support specific systems + issues will be posted here so you’re best able to support yourself + others.

Please reach out if you’d like me to host a class on a specific topic.

May this serve.

RESPond with Grace

A three session series providing real tools for high frequency living. This series is based on my over 20 years of experience learning + leading energy, embodiment + intuition. I’m excited to share this with you as a tool to connect into your higher Self on a daily basis.

There is a guide for you to download if you wish.

Women’s Health + Hormones

This class focuses on support + my personal protocols used to support my hormonal health and mitigate symptoms. We focus on nutrition, movement, meditation, essential oil protocols and the natural solutions.

Effective DIY + diffuser blends can be found in the guide.


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