Sunstone Wand with Rainbow


Sunstone Wand with Rainbow


A joyful, light-filled stone. It instills joie de vivre and good nature + heightens intuition. If life has lost it's sweetness, Sunstone will restore it and help you to nurture yourself. Clearing all the chakras and bringing in light + energy, this stone allows the real Self to shine through happily.

This is an alchemical stone that brings about profound connection to light and the regenerative power of the sun duringmediationineverydaylife. Sunstoneisextremelyusefulfor removing "hooks" from other people. These hooks can be at the emotional or mental level and may come from possessive parents, children or lovers. They have a draining effect on your energy.

Sunstone lovingly returns the contact to the other person and is extremely beneficial for tie-cutting

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