View from Bodega, Nov 2014
It's been a week since one of the most refreshing + relaxing weekends I've had in some time.
After only three day, I came home with such a clear perspective. A weekend on Galiano Island at the incredibly beautiful + peaceful Bodega Ridge will do that.
It's no accident I ended up there - the Universe places you exactly where you need to be.
You see, I didn't register for this retreat weekend when it was first promoted. It sold out within days. I originally declined when my dear friend asked me to go, thinking I was away that same weekend. Weeks later, realizing I'd be home, I fired off a text to see if there was any chance of attending.….48 hours later, a spot opened up + I was meditating on what crystals to bring for the group.
A powerhouse experience lead by the amazing Alex Mazerolle, the weekend was simply perfect.
An easy flowing few days full of great conversations, awe-inspiring nature, yoga that moved me in more ways than the physical + learning the strength of a collective group of women. It was as though we were attending a reunion - open discussion + fire-side chats filled the air.
The ease + flow left me feeling I'd been away for a few weeks, not simply a few days. A wonderful reminder that it doesn't take an elaborately planned vacation to connect and gain perspective.
ladyvana dates for 2015 have been announced. Give yourself the gift of space, love + laughter. It will give back to you in ways you never expected.