Get Clear On Your Year!

They say timing is everything.  Still high from Wednesday's La Luna Social gathering, inspired by my friends Jacki Carr + Matt Hoglund who just launched group igolu sessions, and with the incredible timing of this weeks New Moon in Scorpio, I will be offering igolu level one group sessions for the first time ever!!

For those of you who are curious, you can read my blog about what' I've learned through igolu here.

igolu level one takes on stepping into your personal power + leadership through understanding personal responsibility + choice, getting clear on your legacy, creating a powerful vision + goals, and clearing any blocks that may be holding you back from allowing this next step to take hold.

Truthfully, the timing to consider this for yourself is oh, so perfect.  As Chani Nicholas shared with us this week:

" A new moon in Scorpio* is raw power. A new moon in Scorpio introduces us to ours. A new moon in Scorpio comes with an air of intensity and asks us what we might put the pedal to the metal for. A new moon in Scorpio strips us down and demands that we claim what we are at the core.

Because if we don’t, it is all too easy for the world to hold it against us. Because if we don’t, life has a tendency to talk us out of our dreams. Because if we don’t, we run the risk of never knowing what we came here to become."

For me, the timing of these sessions is particularly important as we harvest all we have accomplished this year, reclaim our power to create through the balance of 2015, and set ourselves up powerfully to manage the holidays + into 2016.

Now for the logistics:

  • We'll begin Tuesday, Nov 24th to work around US Thanksgiving, at 4pm pst / 7pm est and meet weekly for 4 weeks.  
  • Our 90 minute sessions will be via teleconference + recorded in the case you miss a call.  
  • There will be follow up work after each session.  It is required to be complete and ready to be discussed (if you choose) on the upcoming call.
  • You must be willing to be bold, listen deeply to yourself + others, and open to a new way of being for yourself.
  • We'll have a private Facebook group to share, hold each other accountable and be connected throughout the call series.  Once you register, you'll receive the link via email.

Ready to invest in yourself!

Register here: igolu level one call series