Creating in the New Age

Many of us are aware there is a new age upon us.  A new time.  Through this shift are coming  new ways of being, a new way of doing things.  In the Kundalini yoga technology I study, it's known as The Aquarian Age.

This shift is prevalent in all areas of my life, and especially when it comes to building my business.

I've always been an intuitively-driven person.  Always.  Yet when I stepped into entrepreneurship again, the arena had changed.  So much online marketing and content…it is enough to make my head explode!!

I've spent the last two years "working" to create something.  An online course, an e-book, many things in many iterations.

It'd been like pulling teeth.  

I simply could not get it out.  I wasn't exactly paralyzed, simply nothing felt right.  As someone who works intuitively, if the feeling isn't there, it's is not going to happen.

So here I am, two years later, still feeling into it all.  

I trust the timing and know the alignment will come when it's correct.

I know there is a platform for me, a simple, yet effective way to connect with you all that is in alignment with who I am and the experience I hold so dear.

Creating an experience is key for me.  Interaction, energetic connection + alignment allow me to be authentic and share my message with clarity.

Admittedly, the past year has been fits + starts as I see what's possible for my work.

Please share your ideas and be patient with me. Alignment is critical when creating sustainable, life-impacting work.


Tracy xx