February 2021: Lepidolite + The Divine Director


These energies are asking you to connect into and follow your intuition and your heart. Nowadays, our thoughts are getting intertwined with our heart and we’re unclear, misaligned and confused. 

Lepidolite shares the energy of acceptance on all levels - it shares the unique gift of balancing mind + heart, emotion + thought. The energy of Lepidolite is based upon emotion, communication and cleansing. It teaches us adaptability and flow.

The Divine Director shows us that our guardian angels are at work, ensuring we fulfill our role on earth as it’s meant to be in the lifetime. 

Together, they are reminding us to trust our divine purpose and the path towards which it is guiding us. 

If healing is required for you to trust your life path, Lepidolite is here to support your healing process. He creates focus towards our true path, leading us through alignment towards our goals.

Lepidolite carries a soft yet powerful energy and can provide peace within our hearts. It brings an energy of acceptance into our entire energetic field, providing a calming and soothing element into the heart + energetic aura.

With all that’s happening in the world that is completely out of our control, Lepidolite comes this month to encourage acceptance. It is asking you to release that which you’re unable to control, and using it’s water element, be willing to adapt + flow with what is emerging. 

As someone floating in the water, gazing towards the sky, open your arms wide with your heart towards the sky and surrender. Allow a higher frequency take the wheel.

When you sense or literally hit a road block, call back Lepidolite to invoke flow….to be like water and gently move around the block presented. Like waves crashing on the rocky shoreline, continue to move through the elements to maintain your aligned path.

Divine Will is the lesson for us all right now. Trusting, believing and connecting to the fact that there is a divine will at play. There is a path we are all on, collectively and individually, that is leading us exactly where we need to be.

Remember that sometimes the most important thing we can do is to trust the plan that is unfolding for us. Allow Lepidolite to gently guide you to your correct path. 

We are on Earth is to love and create what it is that makes us happy. 

Connecting to your Lepidolite, partnering with Roman Chamomile, Cypress or Align / Affirm, taking three deep inhales, sitting tall and dropping your shoulders, repeat the mantra
I ACCEPT THE MIRACLES THAT ARE UNFOLDING IN MY LIFE WITH HARMONY AND PURPOSE as you breathe deeply and sense the energy moving through you.

Roman Chamomile connects us to our spiritual purpose. It’s energy connects us to discovering our true life purpose. If you are filling your time with meaningless activities, and wish to discover more fulfilling work, Roman Chamomile is the oil to partner with Lepidolite energy.

Cypress is the oil of motion + flow, embodying the energy of water. When encountering blocks, Cypress is brilliant at moving energy through the heart and mind, making it a great partner with Lepidolite if you’re rigid, tense, overstraining or simply searching to find a way through.

Align / Affirm calls the should back to it’s centre. It connects gently with the heart space to shift heavy energies that are blocking, thus inhibiting growth. Partner this oil with Lepidolite energy to restore your connection to your heart centre, thus returning to your true purpose.

As always, if you wish to receive samples of these oils, as well as my gift of a Lepidolite crystals, please connect. It is an honour to support you in this way.

