The Power of the Lion's Gate Portal

The highest energetic point of the Lion's Gate Portal is upon us. We've been encountering this energy since the new moon on Aug 1st, so you may have been really noticing the energetic impact in your body and emotions. The 8 | 8 date brings the energy to its peak and where the opportunity to put Light into action is available to us. 


Historically, the Lion's Gateway is a time of increased spiritual flow due to the alignment of the sun being in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth. This creates a beautiful energy portal, perfect for releasing energy and activating manifestation. 


This year however, the energy is moving with greater urgency. There's a swiftness to the energetic surge, which requires us all to be rooted in our alignment and ready to expand at the speed of light. New frequencies and energy are flowing at an advanced rate. 


What this new frequency may mean for you:

  • Your body may feel tired - more rest is needed to allow the energy to move through. Consider gentle movement - yoga, trail walks, rebounding & foam rolling. Create space in your body.

  • Some of you may feel an embodied energy surge - meaning rather than feeling tired, you have more energy that you can manage. Move your body in a more vigorous fashion. Sweat and release the energy so your system remains clear.

  • Visions, headaches, “seeing” colour, spots, etc. This light frequency will have visual impact - allow yourself to receive the gift.

  • Emotions may peak. This Light frequency is heart-centred, meaning big heart energy release(s).

  • The urge to create space, declutter, move furniture, changing your environment.


The light aims to connect with us all, regardless of your level of experience. There is a need for higher frequency energy and therefore, this upgrade will impact us all. 


This audio meditation will support you to create aligned energy. 

 Essential oils for this audio meditation include Guaiacwood (oil of self discovery), Brave Blend (oil of courage), and Melissa (oil of light).

Take time daily to breath deeply into your own alignment. As you create a column of aligned energy internally, that vibration allows things that are misaligned to fall away. 

  • Visualize your spinal column enveloped in your highest frequency energy & fortify that cylinder daily.

  • This fortification could see people, projects, ideas and energies fall away. Trust this new alignment.

  • Space is being created for your fall harvest. Surrender and allow all that is seeking to find you the space to come through.

Lastly, remember, another aspect of Lion's Gate is the energy of 8. As the number of infinity, today anchors in energy that anything is possible.

 Take a moment today, connect with the Oil of your choice and use this affirmation:

“My actions, prayers, visualizations, and manifestation work result in a large flow of abundance. I open my arms and receive!”


All love,
