April 2021: Clear Quartz + Brigid


Opening yourself to Light 

It takes courage to allow the Light frequency to pour through you and alter your frequency. It takes a trust and steadfastness like we’ve never experienced. 

This month, the frequency of Clear Quartz and Brigid is providing the strength to allow a vibrational upgrade.

Harmonic Defiance is the energetic experience we’re currently moving through at a heightened level. 

Defiance in a sense that we are breaking up old frequencies by allowing the light of Clear Quartz, the purity of clear Quartz and the fire and strength of Brigid to flow through us, clearing out the old frequencies and elevating our energetic systems. 

This is the paradigm shift we require for lasting upgrades on our planet. 

It is leading us to Harmonic Convergence.

There is a literal system change happening - perhaps you’re feeling it within yourself? Are you waking up feeling different? Are you awakened at night and sense something shifting? 

These are the harmonic upgrades! You are a member of the Light family receiving this new frequency. 

There is nothing to do. Simply allowing the uplevel will have an impact on our society. Being a Light Holder is enough. Of course if you’re called to do more and wish to act upon that calling, please heed the call. Otherwise, know being the pillar of Light is perfect. 

To be clear, this upgrade is not for everyone. There are some who will sense the shift and sit it out. That’s ok too - your time will come. Trust and feel into what’s occurring. Allow this shift in frequency to truly begin to tap you into your own wisdom.  This is where you begin to truly know yourself. 

The purity and light of Clear Quartz is the catalyst this month. She is a clear channel of light and elevated vibration. She is the light beam, the direct line, the cleanser and amplifier. 

Assisting in this evolution:

Immortelle essential oil with its high frequency and potent combination of frankincense, rose, myrrh and lavender. 

Balance, oil of the Lightworker to ground the light into your body

On Guard to protect and cleanse unwanted energies and parasitic beings. 

The four Clear Quartz generators in this photo are my gift to you if the time is now correct for you to elevate your harmonic convergence. Add these oils to your routine and you’ll receive meditations and a Breathwork practice specific to this months reading, as well as one of these Clear Quartz pillars (and other specially chosen pieces) to enhance and embed the seed of light. 

Clear Quartz - the communicator, amplifier, great manifestor, paired with Brigid, the fire and inner strength. The goddess of fertility, amplifying the growth and fertile energy of spring.

Where are you ready to grow? What is within your that is ready to sprout up and bloom?

Connect into the energy of Clear Quartz and Brigid this month to unleash the blossoming that is ready to occur. Think of the gorgeous cherry blossom - they are a sweet, beautiful bud, then, if as though in an instant, burst with their gorgeous fragrance and colour. The cherry blossom, or any flower really, expresses itself fully. It opens itself up, knowing the awesomeness only lasts a short amount of time. 

Where are you hesitating or holding back because you’re unsure of the timeline?

Take a deep look now at where you can expand, where you can most resemble the uninhibited blossoming of a flower.

Within this energy, you may experience things as amplified - from your inner strength and resolve, to your reactions as well as world events. 

There is a quickening. An energy of THE TIME IS NOW, what are you waiting for?

The time is now for you. Brigid brings fire, inner strength and new beginnings.

Clear Quartz amplifies the energy in which it encounters…meaning your strength, courage and creativity will all be kicked up a notch or ten. 

Be ready to anchor in and act upon the swell of inspiration.

All love,
