Full Moon in Aries Bath

The current energies are intense and creating a lot of density in our energy bodies. This Full Moon in Aries is the perfect time for a self care ritual to support your nervous system and energy.

Create and Intentional Space

Although cleaning your bathroom or tub seems like a pain in the butt, is an important part of this practice. You want to ensure you create a clear + cleansed space for this experience.  If possible, use natural cleaning products, such as your Purify oil in a few drops of unscented cleaning soap (I like Dr. Bronner's) or use the doTERRA On Guard Cleaning Concentrate. In a pinch, simply add Purify to vinegar and water.  After wiping it down, give your bathtub a final rinse with hot water.  

Set Your Space

Find your most favorite and fluffy towel, a book if you like to read and a journal + pen in case anything comes through. Also bring a glass of cold water and anything else you love to have while bathing.  

Bring your Adaptiv oil + Kyanite, plus Smoky Quartz, Red Tigers Eye, Unakite...actually, any crystals you are drawn to include. *** Remember there are some stones, such as Selenite that disintegrate in water*** You be the Alchemist! Also bring in a cup or two of epsom salts.

If possible to do safely, light a candle as well in the space as a connection point to the fire element of Aries. 

Create Your Healing Bath

Begin to fill your tub with water at a temperature you deem to be perfect. 

As the water is running, add 3 - 4 drops of Adaptiv oil to 1 cup of epsom salts. Give the combination a quick stir with your fingers, then add the salts to your water. 

Add your chosen crystals to the water, with the exception of the Kyanite, as it's too delicate - you can simply place it on the side of the tub.

Light your candle and if you wish, play soft, relaxing music. Binaural Beats is enjoyable and proven to bring about a calming experience. This playlist is great!

Do what makes you feel good, as this experience is for YOU. These are merely suggestions. 

Time to Connect + Release

As you enter the water, set an intention for this time. Perhaps release tension, let go of stress, melt away what no longer serves you....anything that comes through for you. 

Settle into a comfortable position and let yourself relax. 

Allow the energy of the oil, crystals and full moon soothe and heal your system. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. As your nervous system settles, connect into where you may feel tension in your body. Send the breath into that space. 

Connect into the aroma of the oil, the energy of the crystals and the healing capacity of the water. Breathe, connect and release. 

When something arises, an energy, emotion or sensation that is uncomfortable, do your best to allow it to move through you. Remember, emotion is energy in motion. On this full moon, the intention is release. 

If you have a candle burning, send your energy to its flame and allow it to be transmuted by the fire. 

Stay in the bath for as long as it comfortable, or until your practice feels complete. 

Completing Your Practice

When you feel complete, intentionally complete the practice. 

Take 3 slow, deep breaths. Thank yourself for taking the time for the practice. Thank the energy of the oils, crystals, and water. Gather up your crystals from the water and lay them on the side of the tub. If your candle is burning near by, thank the flame for transmuting your energy and mindfully blow out the candle. 

As you step out of the water, bundle yourself up in your cosy towel.

Begin draining the water and visualize it washing away negative energy + toxins. 

Take a moment here - close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath. As you breath in, visualize golden white light coming down from the highest heavens bathing you in it's purity. 

Take that golden energy into this next cycle of creation. 

Rinse your tub with hot water.

Sit with your drink and journal anything that came up during this practice. 

Love, Tracy