Energetics of Iron Deficiency

Welcome to a new offering of sharing the energetic connection to physical symptoms you or a loved one may be experiencing.

As many of you know, this conversation began as a result of numerous women reaching out to me for natural solution options to iron deficiency. It is one of the most common things I get asked. As more and more people reached out, I realized that this issue was possibly more than just food quality and iron supplements.

Exploring the energetic connection and how that may be impacting your iron levels is a key thing to consider, particularly with the stress placed on women in our modern society.

In this discussion, video & audio below, we talk through iron deficiency, how it shows up in your body, the energetics to consider as a possible contributing factor to low iron as well as herbs, foods, oils and mindset to support.

The largest contributing energetic factor of low iron & anemia is holding a belief of Not Good Enough. It is of course a natural energetic connection for iron deficiency to be so prevalent in women. When I think of most of the women I’ve talked to with low iron, in some aspect other life, a sense of not enough is at the forefront.

When we hold this belief, known or unknown, we tend of lack joy in our every life existence. We are unable to experience joy in life, unable to absorb all of our experiences, and subconsciously hold a “Yes…but” mindset. Meaning, so many things in our life can be going well and our small self-mind will focus on the one thing that’s not as great or where there was something viewed {by you} as a failure.

In the recording I spoke about someone running a 5km race for the first time. Being new to running and maybe even consistent exercise, you learn to run correctly and have the goal to complete a 5km in 30 mins. You do the race and finish in 33 minutes. It’s an amazing feat - you’re stronger, exercising, leading a healthier life, you finish your first 5km race, and you say….YES, but…. The focus is on missing your time goal, rather than celebrating your healthy new lifestyle.

“Yes, but…” may be your programming or perhaps your lack of enjoying your experiences shows up in a different way, regardless, it is all a contributing factor to iron deficiency. The inability to absorb life, to celebrate and experience joy are energetic contributing factors to low iron.

The energetics of not feeling enough, interestingly enough, lead to symptoms of creating not enough in the physical realm. Most women are tired, sometimes exhausted, irritable, and drained, all of which, when not feeling at your best and unable to be the best partner, wife, mother, co-worker, etc, you CREATE the experience of not being enough to those around you.

Making sense so far?

Ways to move this energy through are nuanced depending upon your level of incorrect belief. This next piece talks through natural options for both clearing out the energy and supporting you physically.

Essential oils & key nutrients can also play a key component in supporting iron absorption by supporting both physically & energetically.

Cinnamon, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lemon & Peppermint all contribute. MetaPWR combines these oils in one supportive blend. Adding a drop to your water throughout the day will easily incorporate this oil combination into your system. The MetaPWR beadles are also a super simple way to work with this blend throughout the day. I have them in my purse, next to my computer and in the car so that they are never far away.

Energetically, MetaPWR connects to body acceptance. So in the realm in which we’ve been speaking about iron deficiency, they energy of MetaPWR will allow you to accept your body & symptoms as they are today. It will bring a sense of release and letting go of the not-good-enough story, as well as they story you may be holding that your body has let you down somehow. Energetically, this is a huge step to be able to open up the space for healing on all levels. Once you accept where you are and what possible lead you to this space, your body will more easily release energetically & physically, allowing flow & absorption.

Lifelong Vitality Supplement combine key nutrients to support our energy on all levels. Concentrated in supplementation and containing no junk fillers, these supplement create a synergistic space that optimizes nutrient assimilation. The cool thing about LLV is the 30 day money back guarantee - if your system in indifferent to the additional nutrient, you can request a full refund. Personally, these are part of my everyday routine and make a big difference in my energy levels.

A supportive smoothie you can add to your day:

  • 1/4 pineapple o and/or 1/2 cup of cherries

  • 3 handfuls of spinach or other dark leafy green

  • 1 drop MetaPWR or citrus / peppermint oil

  • 2-3 cups of water

Blend & drink.

Raspberry Leaf Tea & Nettles are excellent at restoring minerals. I love to make an infusion that combines both herbs & goji berries. Typically I combine all items in a big mason jar, fill it with boiling water and allow it to infuse overnight. In the morning I pop it in the fridge and strain a glass as needed.

Alternately, Nettle tea is a great every day drink and effective way to receive the minerals.

Sea Vegetables and Atlantic Kelp are also great options. Sprinkle a sea veggie blend on rice & noodle dishes or salads for a simple way to boost your dietary intake.

Red meats, beef & pork in particular, in addition to organ meats are also an option to increase iron levels. As someone who is vegetarian, plant-based options are also highly impactful both physically & energetically.

Asparagus: When not good enough results in always striving for more, pushing too hard or jumping forward to the next thing, asparagus is the antidote.

Leafy Greens: Missing a window of opportunity and therefore feeling a sense of time slipping away, can result in moving too fast, leaving little room for celebration and enjoying every day success. Leafy greens balances this energy by syncing our correct timing, clearing out the belief we’ve missed something and carrying the understanding that what is meant for us will always find it’s way to us in some form.

Cherries: When dissatisfied with our circumstances, cherries bring back the sweetness of life. They allow us to savour the moment, therefore bring patience & understanding. This shift in timing gives us space to absorb all that’s occurring, creating space physically & energetically. Being cleanses & detoxifying, cherries also support physically by clearing out the residual in our upper intestines so increased absorption is possible.

Grapes: Feeling broken is a major impact of iron deficiency. The true spirit of who we are is lost - we feel as though you are failing in all areas - as a wife, partner, mother, co-worker, friend. Grapes lift our spirits. Their sweet & juicy energy brings a jolt of energy to our spirit - almost waking us up and lifting the fog through which we’ve been walking. Its energy allows us to see the beauty of the life before us, and more into a space of gratitude and joy.

Depending on the way in which your symptoms show up for you, crystalline energy to consider for all levels & areas of the energetics of iron deficiency are abundant.

Peacock Ore is hugely supportive, as its name might suggest. Carrying the frequency of ore, this stone is closely related to iron metal. This brightly coloured stone has an energy that makes one feel alive, confident & happy in your own skin. It’s proud as a peacock energy obliterates any space where feelings of inadequacy might live within.

Focusing on returning strength to your system, welcoming in the life-force that exists within you will benefit greatly from Garnet & Bloodstone. Their dark red colour energy emulates blood energy to invite in a strengthened system that has been physically weakened.

Activate your power centre to gain confidence & move more into your personal power with Citrine & Sunstone. Both engage the solar plexus power centre, the epicentre of releasing feelings of not enough and calling back your joy & powering all aspects of your life.

Understanding the root cause of your not enoughness is important, however, supporting yourself and focusing on moving through the energy is equally as important than miring yourself in the details. You’re moving forward and away from this belief, that’s what will begin to support the iron deficiency.

Connecting to an affirmation - repeating is daily, writing it on a sticky note placed on your bathroom mirror, setting a phone / computer background to create new pathways of belief.

Affirmation: It is safe for me to experience joy in all areas of my life. I LOVE my life!

Purchase the recommended oils & supplements here.

**30 day money back guarantee

In Canada, I love Light Cellar from Edmonton. Get their Nettle Leaf Tea and Raspberry Leaf Tea from a trusted source.

In the US, Tasha Rose Herbs creates incredible infusions.

Sea Vegetables & Kelp from Harmonic Arts are the best I’ve found.

Any questions or feedback? Please comment them below so we all learn.

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