Create a September to Remember

The shorter days have arrived in the Northern Hemisphere - Autumn is on its way for those of us in this part of the world. 

Regardless of where you live, September always seems to signal change. 

My message today is to remind you that change can be easeful. 

Of course there may be pockets of stress along the way, however the modern day trend of change being stressful is such a marketing ploy. (yes, I said it!)

Remember, our bodies & system are ALWAYS in a state of change. Cellularly, energetically, our system is constantly adapting & adjusting. When we embody this understanding, our stress response will be one of flexibility & resilience. This in turn will support us in so many ways when our life requires us to navigate big circumstances.

Now is the time to shift your perspective on change.

Allow your body to flow, knowing you are literally built for changes. While our bodies are always striving for homeostasis, our system also works with allostasis - the ability of our internal systems to adapt to our external stressors. We have all we need to create a September to remember, rather than chaos we'd sometimes rather forget.

You are built for these times. Ebbing & flowing is part of the human condition, having your supports in place to respond is key.

Take a moment and write a list of 3 - 5 ways to bring your system back quickly when you sense things tipping. Some options:

  • Deep Breaths - fill your belly on the inhale

  • Box Breathing - inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold out for 4

  • Inhale your favourite calming oil - straight from the bottle if need be!

  • Diffuse Bergamot & Cypress

  • Move your body, even if it's a quick shake out

  • Close your eyes and visualize a waterfall sweeping over you, washing away the external stress.

Remember, change occurs moment to moment, therefore, so does our ability to shift. Stay within yourself.