Honest Reflection

Well, it's Dec 31st, and the reality is, ideally, this post would have been put up a week ago.  You see, I found myself in my old habit of shrinking back.  Hiding away and not sharing because, as the old pattern goes, "no one is going to care what I have to say.  Many people are doing this, so I don't want to look like a copy cat."  

Ugh...shut up small voice.  Seriously.

I'm passionate about people creating their life.  Fueling their future through who they really are and what they crave in life.  So fuck, start talking about that.

Seriously though, I swear it's the sugar talking.  Biggest lesson for 2015 Holiday...don't go off the rails and eat sweets like it's The Last Supper.

After a good kick in the arse, I sat to write.

I'm a big fan of reflection.  In this day and age we're moving through life so fast, we often miss the moments that matter.  The moments where we have been 100% ourselves.  Stepped into our power + choice and created our life in that moment.  

In my experience, those moments are often missed.

We choose instead to focus on what didn't happen, where things need improve.

As 2015 comes to a close, reflect upon your year, your moments and savour what you've created as well as what you're carrying that is no longer serving you.  In Igolu we call this the harvest

It's important to harvest. It's been done for centuries as the work of the year was celebrated throughout the holidays with the bounty.

In addition to the harvest, in reflection of the past year, I consider these questions as I move into a new year:

What am I most proud of this year?

What challenges occurred and what did I learn?

How well did I care for myself?  Where did things go sideways and I need to course correct moving forward?

Who stood with me?  Supported me, collaborated and told me the truth when I needed to hear it most?

Were my boundaries strong?  Where can I improve and with whom? 

Did I nurture the relationships that are most important to me?  Which relationships are strong? Which need focus?  Where do I need to cut cords?

What am I letting go of as I move into 2016? (List all things, feelings, people, incidents, etc)  

**Sometimes I write these down and burn them on the balcony.  I'm a huge fan of fire.  It's the Sagittarius in me.

It's important for me to reflect + close our what no longer serves me in order to clear, ground + hold space to create new.

2016 promises to be incredibly exciting.  I'll be spending the next few days creating my vision + goals for the future I'm creating.  Stay tuned to this space for support in doing this for yourself.

Health + Happiness for 2016!

Love, Tracy xo