Respiratory Support During Times of Environment Threats

Unprecedented wildfires throughout Canada have brought air quality warnings through much of North America. We've been warned to stay indoors in many locations, as the smoke density reaches into cities and small town alike.


Please reach out with questions or if you require samples of any oils. I'm sharing many options, as the intention is to provide you with ways to use oils you currently have in your home. 


Essential oil options to support your respiratory health are vast. Please ensure you're taking precautions, staying indoors if recommended and using your oils in whichever means possible. 


The information I'm sharing below is from Aromatica, A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics and Essential Life. 


Air-X: designed for clearing your environment from the environmental stress of city living & summer weather hazards. Pop this in your diffuser to keep your personal space free and clear.


Lemon Eucalyptus: Cools the lungs, eliminates phlegm and relieves coughing. This oil supports with airborne pathogens, so is a great oil to diffuse in combination with other respiratory support oils. Also use for surface cleaning by adding 10-15 drops to a glass bottle and top with water. Spray and wipe down surfaces such as window sills, countertops, etc 


Thyme: Bronchial stimulant, expectorant, brochodilator. Thyme means “to fumigate” in Greek, so this is a potent cleansing oil. Diffuse in your space, dilute and apply to the bottoms of your feet and/or inhale from your palms to support the respiratory system. You may also add one drop to soups and broths as a great way to get the impact of this oil.


Pink Pepper: Respiratory stimulant. Dilute with a carrier oil and apply to chest and back lung area. I love adding one drop to my coffee or water for what feels like immediate impact.


Cardamom: Warms the lungs, expels phlegm, relieves coughing. Diffuse cardamom for respiratory congestion and breathing difficulties. Dilute or create a roller bottle and apply to your chest, bridge of your nose and forehead. This is also another oil that I love adding to my coffee or having one drop in warm water for tea. 


Douglas Fir: Warms the lings, expels phlegm, relieves coughing. An excellent support for coughing and irritation, diffuse douglas fir in combination with any of the above oils or create a roller ball blend with Frankincense, Lime & Breathe / Easy Air (recipe below) 


A great respiratory support nighttime diffuser blend that we use often:

3 drops Frankincense

3 drops Lime

2 drops Rosemary


Breathe / Easy Air is also an excellent option for anytime support.  


Other options for you during this time:

* Stay mega-hydrated. Drink lots of water, add citrus if possible.

* Cucumber and watermelon juice are two ultra hydrating options to flush your system

* Mullein tea or tincture is a traditional remedy for respiratory and lung support. Consume tea if possible, otherwise, adding the tincture to water is a great option.

* Eat fruits and veggies. Citrus fruits in particular are super supportive. 

* Use a HEPA filter is possible.

* Exercise indoors.

Please reach out if you wish further information or require oil samples for your home.

Love, Tracy