Olfactory Training for Loss of Smell

Another practical note this week, as I'm hearing from many of you who have lost your sense of smell since posting my instagram story a week or so ago. 

This Columbia University protocol has been an absolute lifesaver for me. Many of you have shared your own experience or that of your family members who have had prolonged issues - some up to a year or longer! Disciplined in using this protocol, my smell returned in 10 days, and has continually gotten stronger as I've maintained my routine. 


From the Department of Otolaryngologypost-viral olfactory training paper:


"What is olfactory training?

Olfactory training is like physical therapy, but for the olfactory nerve. The olfactory nerve is responsible for the sense of smell and contributes significantly to the sense of taste. Olfactory training helps to restore normal function to the olfactory nerve. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that olfactory training can be very helpful for patients experiencing post-viral olfactory loss."


The protocol consists of Rose, Lemon, Eucalyptus & Clove essential oils. In that order, inhale each oil from the bottle or your palm for 10 - 30 seconds. Take a 10 second rest between oils. While inhaling, focus on your memory of each smell. 


Personally, I complete the protocol 3 times per day, and inhale each oil for 60 seconds using the timer on my phone.