March 2021: Kunzite and Paul the Venetian


This energy arrives arrives as we shift seasons, We are moving from the hibernation + regeneration of winter, into the fertile space of spring. A time of planting seeds, creating a vision and sharing our contribution which will be nurtured and grow throughout the year.

Kunzite carries a light force like no other. Her pink ray shines straight into the heart space and it’s energetic field. She is a potent healer and comes to share that the world is missing something that we (YOU) are able to provide.

Kunzite carries a beautiful pink / lavender colour ray of love, joy + gratitude, healing. This mineral is a direct connection to the heart + mind space asking us to experience love + gratitude in every thought, expression and experience. She literally builds a path from the heart to the mind.

Paul the Venetian, igniting the energy for us to share our gifts with ease, grace and simplicity. With the divine timing of spring Paul the Venetian is asking us to share our unique talents + gifts and be willing to bring our FULL authentic self to the world, as this is the time!

So as we are creating and bringing our contribution to life…planting the seeds of sharing our divine gifts, we MUST share from the heart. Kunzite has come to request we share from our heart calling, which a new level of love + trust for many of us.

Truly, how often are you sharing from your heart, rather than your mind?

Kunzite is here to say, it’s time to express your heartsong.

Paul the Venetian also reminds us of a very important, yet often overlooked, matter of growth and responsibility – to share our UNIQUE PERSONAL contribution in this time of major planetary transition

What is key in the message this month is that we must create from ourselves, we must be authentic in who we are and what we’re sharing, as this is true success.

Creation for the sake of creation or using the work of another is the past.

In order to raise the vibration of the planet, which is so desperately needed right now, connecting into the energies of Paul the Venetian and Kunzite is critical as this energy brings a double helix pattern that will literally change the DNA of the planet. We all have a piece in the divine plan and elevated consciousness. We are the stars of the Universe and have the ability to right the energy of the space we are inhabiting.

Your connection to your Divine Creator this month, your deepest connection is what will bring you to all things Source Energy. Moving with joy, grace and love creates a frequency so clear, that things must shift.

Be grateful for your lessons, for your creations. Allow yourself to love and grow and change. Just like the seasons, tend to your own garden and watch the expansion.

Arise asks us to rise up and meet our life. Step in our full potential and allow our voice to be heard.

Frankincense calls forth the truth. OUR truth. A critical piece this month as your uniqueness comes into being.

Magnolia brings us to a high plane of consciousness. She teaches us there is enough for all, a need to work in collaboration with our higher self and each other, for this is how we elevate the world.

If you wish to bring the energy of these oils into your practice, please connect to request samples. I’ll curate a package for you and pop it in the mail. If this month’s reading resonates and you wish to purchase the Oils, please do so here. You’ll receive an intuitively-chosen gift as well as the Breathwork session connecting to this reading.

Join us for our monthly Crystalline Energy Medicine Breathwork. Crafted as a unique experience tapping into the specific energies of the month, allowing you to release, restore and create anew. I’d love to welcome you to this experience.

February 2021: Lepidolite + The Divine Director


These energies are asking you to connect into and follow your intuition and your heart. Nowadays, our thoughts are getting intertwined with our heart and we’re unclear, misaligned and confused. 

Lepidolite shares the energy of acceptance on all levels - it shares the unique gift of balancing mind + heart, emotion + thought. The energy of Lepidolite is based upon emotion, communication and cleansing. It teaches us adaptability and flow.

The Divine Director shows us that our guardian angels are at work, ensuring we fulfill our role on earth as it’s meant to be in the lifetime. 

Together, they are reminding us to trust our divine purpose and the path towards which it is guiding us. 

If healing is required for you to trust your life path, Lepidolite is here to support your healing process. He creates focus towards our true path, leading us through alignment towards our goals.

Lepidolite carries a soft yet powerful energy and can provide peace within our hearts. It brings an energy of acceptance into our entire energetic field, providing a calming and soothing element into the heart + energetic aura.

With all that’s happening in the world that is completely out of our control, Lepidolite comes this month to encourage acceptance. It is asking you to release that which you’re unable to control, and using it’s water element, be willing to adapt + flow with what is emerging. 

As someone floating in the water, gazing towards the sky, open your arms wide with your heart towards the sky and surrender. Allow a higher frequency take the wheel.

When you sense or literally hit a road block, call back Lepidolite to invoke flow….to be like water and gently move around the block presented. Like waves crashing on the rocky shoreline, continue to move through the elements to maintain your aligned path.

Divine Will is the lesson for us all right now. Trusting, believing and connecting to the fact that there is a divine will at play. There is a path we are all on, collectively and individually, that is leading us exactly where we need to be.

Remember that sometimes the most important thing we can do is to trust the plan that is unfolding for us. Allow Lepidolite to gently guide you to your correct path. 

We are on Earth is to love and create what it is that makes us happy. 

Connecting to your Lepidolite, partnering with Roman Chamomile, Cypress or Align / Affirm, taking three deep inhales, sitting tall and dropping your shoulders, repeat the mantra
I ACCEPT THE MIRACLES THAT ARE UNFOLDING IN MY LIFE WITH HARMONY AND PURPOSE as you breathe deeply and sense the energy moving through you.

Roman Chamomile connects us to our spiritual purpose. It’s energy connects us to discovering our true life purpose. If you are filling your time with meaningless activities, and wish to discover more fulfilling work, Roman Chamomile is the oil to partner with Lepidolite energy.

Cypress is the oil of motion + flow, embodying the energy of water. When encountering blocks, Cypress is brilliant at moving energy through the heart and mind, making it a great partner with Lepidolite if you’re rigid, tense, overstraining or simply searching to find a way through.

Align / Affirm calls the should back to it’s centre. It connects gently with the heart space to shift heavy energies that are blocking, thus inhibiting growth. Partner this oil with Lepidolite energy to restore your connection to your heart centre, thus returning to your true purpose.

As always, if you wish to receive samples of these oils, as well as my gift of a Lepidolite crystals, please connect. It is an honour to support you in this way.



2021 Crystalline Theme: Herderite + Freya

We begin the year with very clear + concise messages.

Herederite and Freya.

Herederite brings the message of evolution, Freya phases and cycles. 

These two are so incredibly enlightening in their energy.

There is a literal end to this phase of evolution we have en experiencing. It has caused friction, fighting, death and rebirth. It has had us look at our selves, our values and how we live our lives. Perhaps you have examined your own conditioning and thinking. Perhaps this phase of growth has brought you deeper into who you are, questioning your ideals and actions. 

As the calendar shifts, so do we. Society is shifting in a way as never before. The end of this cycle, signifies the revealing of a new way.

Energetically, there is a calling to recognize where your actions originate. Tapping more deeply into who you are, what you stand for and the actions which you will take as we move into a new energetic paradigm. 

It begins with you.

There is a rising up of the individual. Not in a way of ego, in a way of understanding YOU must rise for the collective to heal, prosper and be great. 

YOU are the one you’ve been waiting for. All of the answers, no matter how simple or complex live within you. 

The me / we energy is rising up. More Light is being pulled into humanity. The awakening that began some time ago is integrating into us all. The shadow who has been our teacher is now moving into the Light. 

Herderite, which is a rare mineral, awakens part of our brain that has been latent - the parts of our brain that are stagnant, hiding, closed or asleep. This energy opens + awakens. 

It completes the cycle of growing + learning. It allows the Light to integrate as the new cycle takes hold.

Integrated Spirituality, where your contribution is part of the greater whole is what will cause the shift this year. No longer seeing your uniqueness as “different” or misunderstood, the evolution of energy calls forth increased vibration within your body, creations + flow.  

In this instance, Freya supports connecting more deeply to yourself and to nature as a key Seasonal cycles, moon cycles, the cycles of death + rebirth. All enliven the genetic triggers within initiating a mind, body, spirit connection like we’ve never known.

Understanding at a visceral level that your connection to the trees, water, earth and air is also a connection held on the other side of the planet. The ocean I gaze towards feeds the waters on the planet. We are ONE, we are rising, we are all connected - timelines, realms, and realities. 

Unifying energy brings us all together as a whole. 

This is it. We are here, the time is now. We heal as one because we are one


Critical to this integration and key allies:

DDR PRIME - this oil transforms + evolves on a deep, deep level, which is what is required as we shift into this next phase. It awakens any latentness in our cells and aliens us to all that is possible. That within us houses all we require.

TAMER - aiding us in integration, this oil supports the day to day integration of experiences. This is important as it shifts us into deeper trust within ourselves, knowing our energy is clear and experiences are integrating.

ARISE - as it sounds, this oil invites us to rise up and meet our human potential. It asks us to right now, in each moment, step into the fullness we are meant to both contribute and experience. It supports you in understanding your evolution involves showing you are capable of more than you ever thought possible.

If you wish to receive samples of these three oils, please connect. I’ll send you a sample of each oil, plus a crystal to support you this year.

Wishing to integrate this energy now? Please purchase these oils and you’ll receive a custom welcome package to support you in best partnering with these oils for your highest good.

All love,


December 2020: Amethyst + Lady Portia

It’s time to connect in and up. We complete the year with a divinity + peace, even if only for a moment.

Amethyst is here to connect us into our spirituality and intuitive connection as we shift into a new cycle. It’s wisdom is sometimes undervalued, as it’s common stone, however the partnership + lessons of Amethyst and vast and full of wisdom.

 Amethyst is the stone of the alchemist, the aquarian age and the violet flame.  In recent years, it’s properties of spiritual protection have come to Light.  It is now known as a stone of spiritual protection and purification.  It’s high vibration also gives us the ability to ground + stabilize due to the slight red colour ray.  Combining the purple + red colour allows the physical and human mind to embrace the Spirit and connect deeply to our intuition and grounding into our earthly experience.  This connection to the Spirit removes ego as we connect to our true guidance of Spirit.  Through this, amethyst delivers self-awareness, peace,  security and a sense of purpose.

Amethyst pairs perfectly with Lady Portia is the feminine energy of the violet flame. As the soul connection to St. Germain, Lady Portia helps us to anchor the Violet Flame of transformation within our hearts and minds, and that of humanity. The energy of Lady Portia is one of Divine Order, peace and justice. She brings opportunity to every experience, yet allows us to recognize the impact of our choices.

One of Lady Portia’s main roles is to teach humanity how to attain and maintain balance of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, through using the attributes of the four elements of Earth, Wind, Air and Fire.

Master Lady Portia’s energies help to bring us into balance in all ways, bringing harmony, inner-peace and stability to all levels of our being. Lady Portia teaches us to attain balance between all polarities, and how to balance love and wisdom, and justice and mercy.

Both Amethyst + Lady Portia inspires us to be all that we can be and encourages us to live our dreams and fulfil our life purpose, a perfect way to complete this cycle of the calendar.

Essential Oils connecting us to Amethyst + Lady Portia


A potent oil to use on the brow chakra or third eye, clary sage dispels darkness and allows us to see from a higher view point ad perspective. It breaks down limiting beliefs and may support us in awakening our view when required for our bigger purpose. It connect us to our bigger purpose, so when coupled with the energy of Amethyst + Lady Portia, will allow us to create a vision of powerful purpose.

LAVENDER: Communication

Lavender aids communication on all levels. It calms the mind, so a great partner with the energy this month as it calms the mind and brings a sense of peace. Lavender dispels the fear of being seen and heard. So if you are held back by either of these as you connect into a deeper vision for your life and contribution, lavender will support the quieting of your fears. Lavender shares a courageous spirit that allows our authentic, higher self to shine.


This oil invites us to connect to the true source of unending peace. It invites us to surrender and trust that peace flows via our connection to the Divine. Let go of control and attachments to truly understand and experience real inner peace.


Please connect if you wish to sample this oil set. It’s my honour to serve your highest good in this way. I’ll also include a piece of Amethyst in your parcel.

Much love + peace,

Tracy xx

November 2020: Storm + Freya

Storm is the energy for November. Though it may seem it brings negative energy, for this time on earth, it is in fact, the opposite. Storm is a combination of all the elements, Earth, Air, Fire + Wind, to create the most transformative energy possible. It brings change and transformation. 

The specifics of this reading, the storm and resulting chaos is bringing a reorganization and rearranging.

For too long on earth we’ve focused our vision incorrectly. We’ve allowed thoughts and knowledge to rule. We’ve forgotten our intuition, imagination and connection to something greater. Life for many has become very low vibration, feeding off low frequency - in conversation, music, food, the products and materials we purchase. 

Storm brings the opportunity to rearrange. Rearrange within ourselves - those who are ready will sense this inner shift. A reorganization of your DNA, so that a cellular shift...literally who you are will change. You’re here to Guard the Light. To be one that pulls light into and into the planet. No longer feeding off the darkness (though not bad, darkness has it place in teaching and got you here to be a Light Guardian) This internal rearranging will shift the Collective into it’s correct frequency + vibrational arrangement.

The wind element of storm is here to shake things up. Just as leaves blow and dirt flies, so does our energy in the presence of Storm. 

A frequency modulation is occurring. Storm is shifting changing and resetting the frequencies around us. Lower vibrations that are currently feeding the world will no longer have dominance. They will be hanging on for dear life - showing up in new (and somewhat surprising ) forms, however their dominance is waning. 

Be alert and aware. Be discerning of your energy and the energy which you frequent. Pay attention to the sneaky ways the negative frequency wishes to hold on. 

Stand your ground. Be a portal of light and high frequency. See that everything you’ve moved through up until now had prepared you for this shift. It’s broadened your awareness, strengthened your physical body and shielded your energetic systems. 

Guard the Light through this transition. It’s why you are here during this moment in time. 

There are those who will misunderstand your shift. It will confuse them as they try to bring you back into a lower frequency. They are uninformed and therefore confused. Have compassion and trust they are taking their own journey and will arrive at the correct destination at their correct time. 

Freya, the energy of Phases + Cycles is in complete alignment with Storm and her energy is here to support you. This transmission came through during the Full Blue Moon, Freya’s energetic companion. 

Freya shares with us that life is always changing and we are constantly moving through times of growth on some level. She reminds us that although it may seem as though things (life) is coming to an end, it is intact not THE end. It is the beginning of another cycle, another growth period. 

The reflection for this month, is Where can you step towards growth? 

Where can you align your energy with your highest good and the highest good all and be a beacon of light, rather than stuck in the old cycle + paradigm?

Crow is also present this month. She appears in this card on Freya’s shoulder. Crow is the Keeper of Sacred Law and an omen of change. Crow shines the light so that personal integrity may be your guide. 

Keeping self integrity, minding your own energy, being in choice around your emotions and circumstances is crucial. If you wish to see change, you must BE that change.

Earth Medicine in the form of crystalline + plant allies, earth + water is crucial during this time. Both to support your inner shift and as an anchor of support as you stand your ground through Storm + the resulting energies.


Smoky Quartz to anchor + ground you, while connecting you to your intuition + highest good of all. In addition, it allows you to pull this frequency in and ground it into physical reality so your impact is in action.

Sodalite to hold the vision - the vision of a new paradigm and your role in what is being created. Following Storm new creation is revealed. What is your vision? Sodalite allows that vision to be seen, then spoken into reality.

Fluorite the great harmonizer. An energetic force of order, Fluorite brings you back into alignment when your energy is pulled elsewhere. Supporting in the balance of your crown chakra (intuition), heart chakra + solar plexus, combining chaotic energy into vibrational alignment of purpose.

Citrine carries the strength of the Sun. So whether you require inspired growth to step into this moment, a fire to be lit inside your belly or the will to continue pursuing the greatest good, Citrine is the perfect partner.

Basil Essential Oil :: Renewal + Reset. Focus your energy on what is truly important. If required, use for an energetic reset, opening you up to the revealing of what is possible.

Black Spruce Essential Oil :: Grounding + Stability. Allow your energy to be anchored, so matter what Storm beings, your roots hold you firmly in place. Spruce is especially efficient in time of shock, trauma + crisis. When you energy starts to swirl, allow Black Spruce to ground + balance your centre.

Rose Essential Oil :: Divine Love  Rose is the most high vibrational oil. It’s frequency vibrates the highest energy of the cosmos and heals your heart. Rose connects us to divine grace and that we can simply choose to let go + receive and move forward from a place of love. Allow Rose to connect you to your heart, see the beauty all around you + share LOVE

It all begins + ends with you.

If you wish to purchase these three oils + receive the crystal set as my gift to you, please follow that intuitive hit. This energetically-curated crystal kit is available in my shop, and as always, I’m happy to send you samples of these Oils to support your energy modulation over the coming months.

All love,


October 2020: Aventurine + Brigid

We are at a most crucial time on earth.

The focus this month of Brigid + Aventurine brings messages of inner strength and healing. There is an urgency now in these transmissions. 

Life on earth as we know it is in the process of being rearranged. YOU are being rearranged. There is a light wishing to come through, yet the chaos and fear, the darkness and confusion is working HARD to reign supreme. 

We are all frequency. Energy is everything. Over the last number of years, the frequency of fear, the reactivity of emotion has fed us. This is a time on the planet when the frequency must shift to love. 

To understand this and allow the space for you system to reorganize itself takes Inner Strength. Great Inner Strength. Brigid is here this month to provide the strength required to take this on as individuals. My loves, it’s needed. Right now, more than ever. 

LOVE must be our food. 

Do you understand? What feeds us can no longer be the drama connected to fear, judgement, anger, sadness and hate. It’s crucial we begin to be nourished through love, kindness, compassion, trust, faith and a care for our fellow human beings and the Earth herself. 

We ALL possess this inside. Our original form was that of love and light. It’s in our DNA, we simply got confused and scattered through the entities of fear and confusion. That confusion allowed us to be running a program of fear and doubt. 

This is a turning point. The crux of the energy shifting. However, it’s going to take each one of us. Every fibre of your being, every strand of DNA, and regeneration of your cellular structure. 

It’s BIG work, and it’s work that is required. 

What’s cool is that it’s not actually work.

It’s a connection, a remembering of who you are and what you came. Understanding that your soul contract at this time is one of love, leadership and sharing the Light. 

Brigid is supporting you now in the strength of remembering that Light. Light over darkness above all else she says. 

Some time ago a friend of mine shared that Brigid was requesting to work more with me. At the time, I acknowledged the request, and had no clue how receiving her guidance would look. I now realize she’s been working with me all along. Giving me to focus on my health, the gift of my community, the space to strengthen my body and fortify my system. She’s been guiding me by whispering all the things do complete each day to gain the inner strength to lead this work. 

Thank you Brigid.

She’s now here for you. Listen intently. How is she coming through for you? How is she guiding you through small, yet impactful actions?


Aventurine is a great and swift healer. Her vast colour scheme allows you to tap into the correct frequency for you. 

Green Aventurine is most commonly known and for this month is the perfect companion to Brigid. She’s a heart healer, soothing emotions and opening us up to act and live from our heart centre. 


Aventurine is here to open you to love. To care for and fill you heart with so much joy that you’ll be nourished and held by its care. The overflow will spill into others and have you raising your frequency and the vibrations of everyone and everything around you. 

THIS is what will change the world. THIS is what will have used love on the frequency of love, banishing the dark and living on Light. 

It is such a critical time. Here me. We need you to summon your inner strength. Listen and heed the call. Do the work you require in order to serve in a way you never thought possible. 

It begins with you. It flows through you into your community. Like an electrical grid coming on for the first time, the lights begin to shine, illuminating humanity in all its forms. Shifting the consciousness of the whole and rearranging the world we live it. 

This is it. It’s time to rise and shine. 

Essentials Oils crucial in this remembering:

DDR Prime: Transformation

Supporting our cellular system in cleansing and clearing that which no longer serves us. Fortifying ourselves to optimal function at a cellular level. Clearing out the junk and calling forth the remembering of who we are at a cellular level. 

Melissa: Light and Illumination 

Calling forth the Light and highest connection, Melissa supports us in eliminating the dark and stepping up and into our Light. 

Cilantro: Emotional Release

The detoxifier of emotional debris. Supporting you in releasing the heavy load on all levels, Cilantro is a great partner to shed what is no longer congruent with oneself. Allowing the True Self to emerge, lighting the way for others. 

If this is speaking to you, please listen to that nudge and connect. Your light is required at this time. I’m happy to provide direct guidance on navigating your process. 

If you’d like a sample of these oils and a piece of tumbled Aventurine as my gift, connect here. If your ready to support yourself in a whole new way, step into your Lightwork, purchase these oils and receive an Aventurine meditation stone, an intuitively chosen essential oil in addition to a personalized video on how these three Oils will support you, as well as spiritual guidance for your journey.

Love to you all,

Tracy xx

August 2020: Rhodonite + Mother Mary

The download for this month took it’s time, awhile I could have questioned or forced it, the New Moon in Leo brought the insight required through its fiery energy.


Mother Mary + Rhodonite, what a loving, yet powerful combination. Rhodonite carrying the fire element (which explains coming through during the new moon, and Mother Mary the love and compassion required for us all currently.

Mother Mary is the symbol of the Great Mother. Though a most common symbol in the Catholic faith, her energy is of the Divine Mother for us all. She IS love + peace, bringing support to all those who call upon her energy. During our current circumstances on Earth, her power to resolve and support conflict is desperate needed - please call on her energy as we move through the next few months. Conflict, no matter how big or small, can be resolved with he loving and compassionate energy of Mary.

Remember, when we heal conflict within ourselves or with others, we shift the frequency of the planet.

Rhodonite offers the flow of self love and self acceptance. She brings peace of heart, particularly around acceptance of your abilities and talents….this has come up in earlier readings. No matter your unique gifts, allow Rhodonite energy to illuminate their beauty. Your gifts are asking to shine as the allow you to contribute more fully.

Acknowledge your TRUE path. This will bring a personal power like no other. Your Light, self expression and love will shine brilliantly - Rhodonite is here with it’s Lion Heart and courage to share these talents with an open heart.

We are all being called to fulfill the role we were meant to complete during this earth time.

Follow your heart, express your gifts 

Create a path of Light for others.

Coming love is more important now, than ever. 

Essential Oil Energy

Magnolia :: Compassion and Grandmother Energy.

Connecting to the energy of the divine matriarch, Magnolia, as Mother Mary, asks us to treat each other with compassion, love and mercy. She highlights the interconnectedness required right now to have use move through conflict and liven harmony. Her sweetness asks us to recognize ourselves in another, rather than seeing one as less than. Bringing true healing to our own wounds so we treat another as we wish to be treated.

Rose :: Divine Love

A powerful heart healer, Rose carries the vibration we all require right now. She teaches us grace + ease, that love is the salve for all wounds and we need only reach heavenward ro connect into unconditional love. She opens your heart to receive, creating peace + healing.

Bergamot :: Self Acceptance

Supporting us in Lighting the pathway for ourselves + others, Bergamot’s radiance is unmatched. She encourages you to surrender, opening your heart to love + joy and All that is possible. Highlighting what makes you unique, she allows you to powerfully step into your gifts + talents as a way of full expression and contribution.

Purchase these Oils and receive a piece of Rhodonite as my gift to you as well as a complimentary Breathwork session to tap you into this energy medicine. (US and International friends, please connect directly to purchase these in your market.)

I’m happy to send you samples of these three oils - please connect to get them into your home.

My Mother Mary artwork (from the artist Lily Moses who created the artwork for the deck) overlights my space.

My Mother Mary artwork (from the artist Lily Moses who created the artwork for the deck) overlights my space.

July 2020: Azeztulite + Mary Magdalene

Your Uniqueness is Your Greatest Gift

Hands up those of us who feel our uniqueness alienates us? Who feels like an outsider in this current reality we’ve been brought into? 

These two energies combine to bring a powerful and inspiring message this month.

Mary Magdalene - Teacher Awakens.

The great leader. Confidante to Jesus. Visionary. Intuitive. Angel Connector

Being deeply misunderstood, Mary Magdalene was a radical leader of her time. She broke the moulds of what it meant to be a good girl - to listen and submit to what she was told and what was being asked of her. She blazed a trail with who she was, knowing, KNOWING deeply in her soul what was being called forth. 

That her uniqueness was her greatest strength.

Mary Magdalene comes to us in this NOW to provide support + energy for the inspired action that it’s going to take from each of us to make the changes desperately required on earth during this time.

Earth Keeper

Light Keeper


Choose your passion and call in the energy of Mary Magdalene to bring forth your most loving and kind teaching. Lead and share in a way that gathers people and has them listen intently. Be responsible for how you show up. Stand up for who you are and what you believe in such a way that people are drawn in and listening.

The World is desperate to be led….where are you leading them and from what intention?

Lead from your heart and many will follow your guidance. THIS is true rising. How we rise into conscious living and leading is to lead from our heart. The rise brings up deeper into ourself.

Lead from ego + rightousnsess and the importance of your message will be lost.

Mary Magdalene is sharing that if you are reading this message - if it’s found you in some way, she is speaking to you. You have a message to share that your community needs to hear. You are to walk the road as wise teacher - the One who, despite fear of ridicule must be heard. 

The fear illuminates your greatest gift. It’s your uniqueness that holds you back, yet carries the message to ignite a shift in humanity. The catalyst for collective caring. 

Mary Magdalene will be by your side as you joyously share.

Leaping into the unknown will be a great gift to all. 


Azeztulite also carries the theme of uniqueness. It’s a very little known stone - have you ever head of it?

Azeztulite is a newer mineral. Found in only one place on Earth, it brings a potent message of truth, belonging and perception. It creates a bridge to a new reality.

It comes to have us see a new reality.  To open our perception of the new World and trust in the Age of Light that is upon us. It’s high vibrancy asking us to see ourselves and the world in a new light. Embrace a possible new way + be willing to use our own innate gifts to elevate the collective into this frequency.

Trust a new reality is forming. 

Trust the new reality exists and we are currently simply existing in another.

Azeztulite energy is coming through now with a strong, like lightening bolt strong, important to awaken. Like WAKE UP. See what is happening around you. Truly SEE. It carries the energy to open new channels of communication. 

Open your eyes and your Self to the messages coming through for your own evolution. Perhaps you’ll start slowly, noticing signs around you from nature, in music, numbers…however they begin to obviously show up for you. 

Open your sense to the more subtle messages being shared. Connect to yourself to connect up - as with Mary Magdalene energy, connect deeply to yourself in order to connect up. The messages will be coming, you must be ready. 

Your ability to survive + thrive depend on this connection.

The energy this month is not only asking us, it’s demanding us to move and lead from a higher energy. To be dedicated to service is such a way that we call forth a new way to live + love.

There is no other way. Believe in and create the new reality.

Trust your gifts and the HUGE part you play in the creation of our new reality. 

What gift is bursting to be set free?

What have you always wished to create, however have been held back and kept small?

THIS is what must be birthed through you to create the reality we all wish.

Literally at this point of the channeling, the energy wants to scream.

There is no time to waste here - the portals are open and there is space to create the new reality.

It’s up to use to create a future that otherwise would not exist.   

Essential Oils to Assist:

Rose: Divine Love

Rose is the symbol of Mary Magdalene, making this Oil every more potent for July. Holding a higher vibration than any other oil. Rose is powerful healer of the heart. When we heal the heart, we are able to lead + live from the heart. Rose brings divine grace, connects us upward, while connecting us within.

Hope : Overcoming

This blend of Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense and Vanilla combines to bring Light to darkness. It brings a reassuring message, such as the messages wishing to reach each of us from Azeztulite. This blend heals us from shame, unworthiness, unloved and feeling like an outsider, so that we may step into our unique talents and gifts to shine our bright light for the World. It supports us in seeing the new reality in creation.

Roman Chamomile : Spiritual Purpose

This beautiful oil supports us discovering and living our true life purpose. Shining that light so bright as to be a beacon to others. It carries forth the work which will fulfil our souls, connecting us to our divine guides and Angels. It calms us when taking the steps to follow our own divine path.

If you’d like to receive samples of these three oils, please connect and I’ll happily get them in the mail.

New to doTERRA and called immediately to the Oils in this month’s reading? You may purchase them here. When choosing to purchase, you’ll receive HOPE as my gift to you, along with two breathwork sessions designed to connect you more deeply to the energy of these Oils. ($222 value)

As Spirit would have it, this is playing when getting ready to publish

All love, Tracy


Emotere, the Latin word for emotion is of critical importance to understand right now.

Emotere means Energy in Motion.

It so crucial to understand in this current climate, as we are all navigating and moving through old, new, supressed, exposed, raw, real emotion.

Energy + emotion that becomes trapped in the body is a cause of dis-ease. Consider that all physical ailments have an energetic or metaphysical connection. Holding emotions in, pushing them down and leaving them unexpressed can result in illness.

Releasing, Rinsing, Recalibrating

MOVING the emotions in a way that feels correct for you is critical.

Laugh or Cry

Sweat or Glisten

Dance or Shake

Walk or Run

Inhale Deeply or Exhale Deeply

Whatever feels good to you as a release of emotional energy, please listen to your body.

Changing + shifting your energy will change your life.

Our bodies are such an important navigational tool. When you liken it to a car engine, the engine doesn’t function or run properly when the fluids are thick, the oil is full of sediment. Your body is much the same - when energy is old, thick and heavy, your body signals and communication is off. It’s unable to communicate as clearly because of the clutter.

There is magic in energy movement.

How will you shift your energy today?

Energetic + Cellular Transformation + Transmutation

Our bodies always tell the truth. They are our main navigation system, where we realize it or not.

Our cells hold the blueprint from which we function.

Today, I’m sharing what I’ve been leaning on to transform + transmute my energy, beliefs + patterns.

*** I want to be VERY clear, these are tools to support the inner work you’re taking on. They are not a quick-fix, get out of jail free card so that you believe the work is complete, without even doing the work.

Over the coming days + weeks, I’ll continue to write + share intentionally, as you all know I can get VERY excited and overwhelm people easily.

Alchemy is the process of transmuting energy - turning metal into gold.

Funny enough, before including essential oils in my offerings, the crystal course offering I shared for two years was called Essential Alchemy. As someone who has spent most of my life in the field of energy work, with St. Germain being one of my most trusted guides, my focus on alchemy is no surprise. All my offerings have always been centred around alchemizing energy to find the nugget of gold within.

Onto what is steadying me. May this be of service to you in some way.

Since January, I’ve upped my selfcare game to ensure I’m fortifying my system like never before. My intuition + Guides shared very specific information, and it became clear what would be required of my system + field to do the work I was brought here to do.

My selfcare practice has centred around grounding, strengthening + transmuting. It’s served me well, and given the current climate, my system feels vital + well equipped to hold space for all that will unfold.

This is an overview of the pieces coming through as vital for many of us right now. I’ll share another post with how I’m navigating my days.

DDR Prime internally twice a day.

** This Oil is so important right now as it supports at a cellular level. Energetically it works on transformation + transmuting energy. It supports the cycle of life + death. Transforming the old, so that you are open + have space to be open to and welcome the new.

If you are experiencing a sense of burden or despair, DDR Prime allows you to see that change is possible. That by releasing the old, their is the possibility of birth. Transform. Repair. Renew

DDR Prime also supports us cellularly on a physical level. We hold beliefs in our cells, so during this time, it’s critical to gather all the support you can to impart change in yourself cellularly. Clear the old patterns and beliefs. Shift yourSelf to then shift the world.

According to the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton, all cells are affected by thoughts, and thoughts affected by our cells. There is direct link between matter + mind. Therefore, if we are cellularly composed of all the experiences, thoughts and patterns of our ancestors, there is stuff to clear from our cells.

Honour your Ancestors.

Unravel from that which you choose to leave behind, and that which you choose to bring forward.

My Breathwork practice has become a clearing + grounding force. Breathwork is like an internal emotional + energetic cleanse. It taps into unseen and untouched energy, moving it through your system to create clarity, connection + creativity. In order for me to remain in service, it’s critical to be clear of the clutter + deeply connected to my intuition as possible. Breathwork creates that space for me. There are complimentary breathwork sessions on my site if you wish to experience for yourself.

In my Instagram stories, I’ve been sharing my use of DigestZen every night. It’s truly been a game-changer for me and my energy.

Energetically, DigestZen aids in assimilation. The oils combine to support our body + spirit in assimilating, or digesting information + events. When in a state of overwhelms, it supports in breaking down experiences into digestible pieces so that we can assimilate all we’re taking in.

As someone sensitive to energy, who loves to learn + wishes to have all the information, this piece is key. It allows me to remain clear and discern what information makes its way into my operating system.


Rose + Forgive, which I’ve written about before. These have been important partners for me so that I’m better able to forgive myself quickly, keep moving forward and continue the work. My work. To make real change within yourself, you must be equipped to see the truth within yourself, forgive yourself quickly, repent and move forward.

Many times we get trapped in making it about us - hanging onto why we are bad, or wrong, and it can be paralyzing. This helps absolutely no one, least of all, you or your friends and family who are counting on you to lead the way.

Rolling Forgive over my heart + wrist points, I take a deep inhale and ask for forgiveness.

Forgive yourself for your missteps. Recognize the patterns + impact change.

Rose is our direct line to LOVE.

Operating from love, loving ourselves, opening our hearts, seeing the pain of another and offering love. ALL LOVE ALL THE TIME. That is Rose.

• A swipe on my heart every morning and every night, and throughout the day when sensing myself tightening up.

• Rolling behind my ears to dissipate anger.

A piece of Amethyst is never far. A physical representation of St. Germain, this stone protects our energy, especially at night and connects us to our intuition. It transmutes negativity into the energy of love. Amethyst also carries strong healing powers, thus supporting the cleansing + clearing required right now.

Lastly, if nothing else, get yourself into Nature. She clears our energy, fortifies our systems + transmutes that which no longer serves us.

Beginning my day on the trails and ending my day with my feet in the grass gives me a connection and vitality unavailable anywhere. It also supports the off-load of excess energy, to be transmuted and shared as nourishing, loving support.

As always, if you wish to receive samples, please reach out. I’ll pop a sweet package in the mail to support your energy + emotions.

All love to you,
